Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."

Lesson 46: Be confident in everything you do.

Everyone makes mistakes. I bet all of you have heard this sometime throughout your life...probably when you have messed up and someone is trying to reassure you that you are not alone. I've heard a lot of people say "why be shy or cautious about anything because even if you mess up, who cares?" I've always feared (like most everyone else) facing public humiliation. I don't like speaking to large groups of people, going to a new place alone or even working in bigger groups. It's not that I'm a shy person, I'm just not an extrovert and I worry about doing something ridiculously stupid. 

Today I was talking to my mother about this. After our talk I began to think about everything I could do if I wasn't this way. The list was practically endless. So now I've made it my personal goal to fear less and just go for it. I'm going to try to be confident in all of my endeavors. We'll see how this goes(:

*Just saying: I love George Bush, but this was too funny and cute(:

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