Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."

Lesson 22: Be brave.

Despite what I've believed in the past, I'm starting to think that it might be okay to go out of my comfort zone. I mean when you really think about it, we only really do live once and if you don't do it right the first time you don't get another chance. So why not talk to someone you've always been curious about? Or why not go to a place you've never been before? Whenever you question something you consider doing, ask yourself why not? If we all live our lives too terrified to take risks and make it worth it.....then why even live?

I'm not saying to go out and do something completely stupid and illegal. Like, rob a bank. But I just feel like you need to make your life worth it. Because when you die its not gonna matter what job you had or how many friends you had or who knew your name. That stuff will only matter to you. So when you look back on your life make it worth watching(:

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