Thursday, June 30, 2011

"We see the world not as it is, but as we are."

Lesson 29: Become more aware.

So this past semester I took a class called Social Change. I thought it was going to be ridiculously boring and depressing because we had to discuss the current economic crisis. I wasn't prepared for it to be the most informational and life-changing class I've ever been a part of. 

What I learned:
1. []- Go here to see exactly how wasteful and well off Americans really are. It will really shock you.
2. Local. This word means nothing to most of us. But it should. Shopping local, eating local, buying local. All of these things can make your community a better place to live. And it can help the people who live right there in your area make a living.
3. Stop driving those stupid, gas-guzzling cars. This is something that annoys me to no end. Why drive a ridiculous car that gets terrible gas mileage? Why drive 20 miles to work when you could carpool or take the bus? Why drive from your dorm to the library or the store when you could walk or bike there? These extremely simple changes can make a world of difference in your community and the whole world.

I've already made the personal choice to leave my car behind when I return to college in August. It was an unnecessary possession that I feel can be easily replaced by a bicycle. Also, I've decided to attempt to stop shopping as much at places such as Walmart and Starbucks and start finding locally owned shops. Make these changes! For yourself and your community! (:

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