Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Life is too short to hold a grudge, also too long."

Lesson 4: Get mad, then get over it.

Personally, I'm incapable of holding a grudge  for a long time. I hate being mad at someone and vice versa. I just feel like sometimes people (including myself) blow things out of proportion. Whenever I argue or fight with someone I tend to wait a day or so and then try to talk it out. But a lot of times people are so strong headed that they still want to argue. Do you not realize how completely silly it is not to talk things out? Especially if you are really close to that person. After a person completely shuts me out like that I have a hard time caring whether or not things get fixed.  Basically, what I'm trying to say is STOP BEING SO UNWILLING TO MAKE PEACE. Grudges are silly and completely unnecessary.

"Apologizing doesn’t mean that you are wrong, and the other person is right. It means that you value relationship
much more than your ego." AMEN!

Lesson 4.5: Don't be mean!

I just had to post something about this. This morning I heard the most awful thing ever. Someone being bullied and targeted for absolutely no reason. Basically for just being themselves. I just hate that. Why do people feel the need to tear people down for NO REASON? I just don't understand. Also, if you have something to say to someone, say it to them. Don't hide behind a computer or another person or  VANDALISM. Just sayin'(:

Watch this! It has some kind of bad language but Luan is so funny! And it will definitely make your day!

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