Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating. "

Lesson 28: Don't cheat.

I'm referring to every aspect of the word. School and relationships.

1. School: Nothing bothers me more then when I work for days on a really tough assignment and then on the day it's due someone in my class leans over and whispers "Hey, can I look at yours real fast to see if I got them all right?" I want to respond with "Heck no you can't. You can kiss my booty and do your own  assignment." But of course I am way too nice to say something that mean so I just lie and say "Oh, I don't think I did it right either." Seriously guys, just do your own work. It really scares me to think that my future doctors, lawyers or nurses were once students who copied someone else's work to get the required grade. Just do it. This especially bothers me at the college level. In high school you are pretty much forced to be there so if you cheat on a really tough or pointless assignment..I'm not saying it's okay, but I do understand. But in college it's a whole new ballgame. You pay these professors to teach you and give you the knowledge to complete your degree and you are basically cheating yourself. That's really dumb. So just do your work and stop being a baby. 

2. Relationships: This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. I've had very few honest relationships. Not on my part, but on my significant others. I hate people who think they can "have their cake and eat it too"...for lack of a better phrase. If you really want to cheat on someone....just break up with them. It's ridiculously selfish to think you should be able to do that and get away with it. I think cheaters is the main reason I have extreme trust issues. Sometimes I feel like the world has ran out of people that are willing to be honest to one another. And it drives me nuts. Just tell the truth and I'm positive you'll be MUCH happier.


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