Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.”

Lesson 36: Stop judging.

This is what drives me absolutely nuts.

1. People who judge others based on appearance- Everyone is absolutely perfect because they are a creation of God. So it's ridiculous to base your opinion of someone on how they look. I know that today's society has defined what it means to be"beautiful." But people need to stop adhering to those strict stereotypes and understand that there is different kinds of beauty.

2. People who judge others based on their beliefs- Mahatma Ghandi once said “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” And I hate to agree with this but a lot of times it's very true. Before I was saved by His amazing glory, I was sometimes overwhelmed by the overly-judgmental people that attended church. Even now I hear people around campus who say things like "Well I would go to church but the people who go are so mean and if you're not a Christian they judge you so harshly." That's so unnecessary. I wish I could tell all of those people out there that even though there are people like that out there, the church will ALWAYS welcome you.

3. People who judge others based on what they have- Something I HATE more than pretty much anything is when I hear people my age whose parents are well off brag about being "rich." Guess what? You're not. You're PARENTS are rich.  Besides, money isn't even that important. So stop being so superficial and stupid. kthanks(:

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