Saturday, June 25, 2011

"You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere."

Lesson 24: It's okay to be single.

So according to my dear sister Tallah, everyone should always be in a committed relationship. And for a very long time I worried that I was the weird one because I didn't always agree. I worried that I was somehow behind the loop and I would never get married. Which was absolutely ridiculous. As it turns out, I'm completely normal. I've discovered that it's okay to not be committed to one person or thing just yet. Some people see being single as a bad thing and that the individual should try to find said relationship before time ran out. Well that's just stupid. There are plenty of people out there are very happy being single and they are not concerned with finding that special someone so soon.

What I'm trying to say is, enjoy your life. When we are born, we are born alone. We live our whole lives essentially alone. And when we die, we die alone. So does it really matter in the long run? No. Of course it is nice to have a significant other to depend on but don't make finding a relationship the focus of your life. 

Like he says, substitute girlfriend if that applies to you better(:

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